Join the #design-stage1 channel. Use Figma to design yourself a home page. Your page must follow a particular format: Your picture on the top left corner. Links below your picture About, Blog, Projects. Below that are three icons with links to your social media. On the right (separated by a line from the left section), will be some welcoming information for you. Everyone will need to do this. The mentors will give you feedback on your design, however, I will be the final judge. Till your design is accepted, you cannot start the internship. Pay attention to alignment, colors and other important parts of design.

If you are done with your git task and your design task, then please submit both together to #promotion channel, and a mentor will advance you to stage 1. The design task is a screenshot of what you did in Figma. The git should be a link to your public git repo with some file in there showing that you edited it.